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PharmaSpa Tiger Balm


Pharmaspa is proudly made in Canada!

PharmaSpa Therapeutic Scents are produced and manufactured in Canada using only the highest quality of ingredients. All Pharma Spa products are developed for hot tub use and will not damage filters, jets or pipes, they do not foam or unbalance your water.

PharmaSpa Tiger Balm is recommended for people with muscular aches and sprains. Tiger Balm also helps boost circulation. Ingredients in this fragrance include:

  • Aloe Vera which provides moisturizing, healing and soothing.
  • Arnica is an anti-inflammatory that helps with sore muscles and bruises.
  • Camphor which helps with inflammation, muscular aches and pains, sprains, coughs and colds. It also helps boost circulation.
  • Wintergreen which soothes joint, muscle pain and neck pain.
  • Mint which also helps relieve muscular aches and pains, coughing, congestion and respiratory problems.
  • Vitamin E which is a natural skin-conditioning agent and antioxidant.

How to use PharmaSpa Products:

Therapeutic Liquids:

  • Spas/Hot Tubs - pour 3-4 Capfuls for approximately every 500 gallons
  • Bath/Whirlpool - pour 1 - 2 Capfuls
  • Foot Bath - pour 1/2 - 1 Tablespoons

Therapeutic Crystals

  • Spas/Hot Tubs - add 1 - 2 Capfuls for approximately every 500 gallons
  • Bath/Whirlpool - add 1/2 - 1 Capfuls
  • Foot Bath - add 1/2 - 1 Tablespoons

